October 27, 2016

Dear ants: Keep out and stay out!

Ants are tricky to manage. Firstly, it’s most probably because they come in such large numbers that they almost seem to replicate themselves; and secondly, it’s because of their small size that can find their way through the smallest of holes and narrow of cracks. Keeping our property ants-free is no easy task, but it is not impossible. It requires dedication and vigilance! Check out the methods below that can help us protect our property from these tiny little creatures. […]
October 25, 2016

Safeguard your family by ordering a professional pest control service provider today

Pest Control refers to the management of the population of a particular species, generally referred to as pest, by the use of pest controllers or exterminators. A person who is in charge of controlling pests is referred as an exterminator. History of pest control The practice of controlling pests by the controllers generally referred to as exterminators, goes a long way back in history, from the time agriculture came into practice. Pest control came into existence for one dominant reason; […]
October 25, 2016

Termites – Prevention and early detection matters

Termites in Singapore — Probably one of the scariest pests that can greatly diminish our property resale value would be termites. They munch and crunch on our buildings and structures as they feed to their hearts content. The worst thing is that their colony will only grow bigger with every morsel of food they bring back home! By the time we figured out we have a termite infestation in our homes, the damage might already be done- even after the […]
October 25, 2016

What we know about Zika virus

The rise of Zika cases in Singapore has been a cause for major concern. So far, what we know about Zika is that they cause developmental anomalies in babies, and that they are being transmitted by mosquitoes. This has resulted in all sorts of mosquito repellent products flying off the shelves as people are scrambling to get protection from these flying bloodsuckers. Amidst the growing panic and concern, people are gullible in falling for false facts about the virus. Let […]
October 25, 2016

Ways to eliminate rodents

Heard some scuttling sound at your home in the middle of the night? Heard little gnawing sounds and woken up to a messy pantry or kitchen? Chances are, you have rodents! Rodents have been a persistent pest since ages ago. They are an ancient enemy, scuttling in sewers, ever present wherever there we humans go. They are carriers of diseases, and they prey on our food. Getting rid of them is no easy task as they are cunning creatures that […]
October 20, 2016

Ants: Hard workers or nuisance?

Perhaps the pest insect that we humans are most tolerable with are ants. Out of the common pest in the urban area such as cockroaches, bed bugs, and termites, ants are perhaps the ones that we see most on a daily basis. Though common and abundantly found all around the world, they are certainly not welcome in our homes, and especially not anywhere near our food. As a child, ants were introduced to us with a positive characteristic to learn […]
October 17, 2016

Know More About Pest Control Techniques For Healthy Living

There is a special emphasis which is being placed on safety and health of all the activities on the environment per say. There is known to adapt the multi-prong approach which is known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach that promises to solve the problems of pests, in a natural way. A special emphasis is put on elimination and particular reduction to prevent breeding of pest in areas such as, furniture, beds, garage and other shaded areas. Moreover, the eco […]
October 7, 2016

Bed Bug Control – A Simple Approach to Conducting Effective Bed Bug Control

Whеn уоu are dealing with bed bugs, thе first thing thаt уоu nееd to dо bеfоrе соnduсting bеd bug соntrоl is to dеtеrminе the places where thеу аrе hiding. This mау ѕоund easy fоr many реорlе, but believe it or nоt, there аrе ѕtill a lоt of hоmеоwnеrѕ who are having problems with this task. Bеdbugѕ proliferate аt a rate that уоu соuld never imаginе, еѕресiаllу if thе hоmеоwnеr did not conduct bеd bug соntrоl аѕ ѕооn аѕ possible. In […]
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