January 15, 2017

Fun Facts About Termites You Might Not Know

Termites, also known as white ants, can wreak havoc to our property and cause costly damage. However, there are many things yet to be understood about these highly social insects. Here at Ikari, we use our knowledge about these insects to efficiently control and prevent termite infestation. However, we have also compiled these few fun facts about termites that you might not know. Fact 1: Termites are blind As insects that spend most of their time underground, termites rely very […]
November 26, 2016

Hardy Cockroaches

Fast and agile, cockroaches have been roaming the Earth since the Carboniferous period. As we humans wage a war against cockroaches in our modern establishments, cockroaches have been found to exist for more than 300 million years. There are fossils of these insects that we tend to kill upon sight. But their presence in our homes at this age of time just proves to show their survivability and adaptability to the changing world. As much as we hate them, cockroaches […]
November 25, 2016

Importance Of Integrated Pest Management Techniques For Pest Elimination

Integrated pest management is a simple strategy to improve the ecosystem by focusing mainly on the long-term elimination of the damages caused by pests with the help of combined techniques that include habitat manipulation, biological control, use of different resistant varieties and modifying cultural practices. The work of integrated pest management is to use pesticides only after monitoring them and by using them as per the guidelines provided with a motive of targeting and removing organisms only. The materials for pest […]
November 23, 2016

Importance Of Pet Friendly Pest Control Techniques

There are lots of pest control solutions that provide excellent service to get rid of those annoying and harmful pests that include wasps to ants. But there are not many pest control techniques that absolutely pet friendly. However, there are companies that make sure the techniques they are using are not causing any serious harm to the pets as well as to the kids. One would never want their dogs or cats to eat or play with those mouse traps […]
November 20, 2016

Integrated Pest Management: What to expect?

Pests are a health hazard, an annoying presence, and sadly, all around us. If your establishment is ridden with pest problems, chances are you have crossed paths with pest control experts in your effort to control pest infestations. However, have you signed up for a pest control service with a provider but don’t know what to expect? Don’t worry, we’re here to tell you the services that you should be receiving from a responsible pest control service provider after signing […]
October 27, 2016

Dear ants: Keep out and stay out!

Ants are tricky to manage. Firstly, it’s most probably because they come in such large numbers that they almost seem to replicate themselves; and secondly, it’s because of their small size that can find their way through the smallest of holes and narrow of cracks. Keeping our property ants-free is no easy task, but it is not impossible. It requires dedication and vigilance! Check out the methods below that can help us protect our property from these tiny little creatures. […]
October 25, 2016

Safeguard your family by ordering a professional pest control service provider today

Pest Control refers to the management of the population of a particular species, generally referred to as pest, by the use of pest controllers or exterminators. A person who is in charge of controlling pests is referred as an exterminator. History of pest control The practice of controlling pests by the controllers generally referred to as exterminators, goes a long way back in history, from the time agriculture came into practice. Pest control came into existence for one dominant reason; […]
October 25, 2016

Termites – Prevention and early detection matters

Termites in Singapore — Probably one of the scariest pests that can greatly diminish our property resale value would be termites. They munch and crunch on our buildings and structures as they feed to their hearts content. The worst thing is that their colony will only grow bigger with every morsel of food they bring back home! By the time we figured out we have a termite infestation in our homes, the damage might already be done- even after the […]