Zika, the Aedes virus outbreak. Causing severe Birth Defects.
February 19, 2016
Reduce Mosquitoes by 90%
April 7, 2016When the rain comes and conditions are right, they hatch?
Scary isn’t it how the eggs are really that resilient?
We’ve head about how we need to turn over pots and vases filling up with water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
Here the uncommon facts of mosquitoes that you might not be aware of.
Aedes eggs can lay dormant for 9 months!
As long it is cool, dark and humid – even without water! There might be Aedes eggs in your home unnoticed.
Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at a single time.
Only female mosquito bites because they need protein for their eggs
Sweat helps mosquito smell their victim.
So be sure to keep your OWN hygiene clean! Now you know why you get bitten so much.
Insecticide only kills adult mosquitoes.
Also it only works for a short period of time and the aedes eggs are still unharmed.
They are “day-biters” as well!
Common misconception is that they only bite at night but the Aedes species bites during the day as well.