Pioneer of Integrated Pest Management
The IKARI headquarters is the largest environmental services company in Japan complete with our own R&D facilities. Other than having access to the latest technology and products in the industry, our technical team in Singapore is led by a Board-Certified Entomologist.
This means that our pest treatment programmes are based on in-depth research and executed with products that we have curated from a variety of sources. We also constantly refine our treatment programmes through test iterations and SOP updates to remain relevant and deliver the best results.
Similar to a doctor’s approach, we want to understand the environment you are in, your routine habits, key issues & requirements before tailoring the most appropriate solution for you.

What does it take to be a Board-Certified Entomologist?
- certification issued by The Entomological Society of America (US)
- requires at least a degree within a closely-related field of study
- requires working experience in pest management industry
- undergoes continuous training to update skills and knowledge
- A BCE is professionally trained in the code of ethics to treat clients right and uphold the industry standards and reputation
- A BCE has the ability to identify the best treatment for different pest situations and to craft detailed operational processes
Our 5-Step Methodology encapsulates the IKARI ethos of fulfilling every client’s needs with quality, safe and sustainable solutions.

Depending on the complexity of the situation, this process could begin with a simple data-gathering exercise over the phone, a site survey of the location and/or in-depth interviews with several stakeholders. Eventually, all these will lead to a thorough check of the premises to identify the root cause of the pest problem and the key factors.
We inspect and gather information to identify the root cause.
Thorough check of the premises to diagnose the root causes of the pest problems. Depending on the complexity of the situation, this process could be a simple data gathering exercise over the phone, a site visit or a complex one which involves in-depth interviews with different stakeholders. We Identify and gather information such as species, population size and area of activity
We Identify and gather information such as species, population size and area of activity

Our entomologists design customized solutions based on factors such as pest species, population size, extent of infestation and surroundings. We also take into account structural, behavioral and environmental elements to develop a comprehensive, effective and practical treatment programme specific to each client’s pest problem.
We customize solutions targeted to meet every client’s needs.
To clearly identify the pests in question, level of infestation and design a targeted solution around the needs of our clients and best suited for the environment that they are in.
We design treatment programmes and recommendations that is best for our clients.
Based on the specified solution, our trained and experienced technicians carry out treatments that target breeding and food sources. Depending on the level of infestation and environment, the process could take from 1 week or up to 6 months. We use either effective eco-friendly products or deploy chemical treatments responsibly.
We carry out treatments with a responsible and thoughtful approach.
An intensive programme targeted at reducing and ultimately, controlling the pest infestation. This process could range from over 1 week to 6 months depending on the type of infestation and premises in question.
We target the breeding source and use chemicals responsibly as it is the effective and the long-term solution.

After the pest infestation is under control, our technicians will set in motion a series of routine treatments. This typically involves regular monitoring, reviews and visits to keep track of the progress. Where relevant, our entomologists will update clients with periodic reports that include findings, trend analysis and recommendations.
We regularly track and adjust the effectiveness of the treatments.
After the infestation is under control, we will stick to a routine treatment schedule tailored to our clients’ needs to ensure we maintain the environment in tip-top condition.
We do constant monitoring, trend analysis frequently conduct regular reviews and meetings as well as producing periodic reports
Pest management is a collaborative effort and as part of IKARI’s value-add to clients, we share pest management knowledge relevant to each client’s context. Our team offers information such as pest hot spots, warning signs, and hygiene and housekeeping best practices. We also run initiatives like newsletters, expert seminars and electronic mailers that provide industry updates to our clients.
We share key information and industry updates that empower you.
To educate and equip our clients on daily best practises in order to prevent the pest infestation to re-occur. Will also pass on essential knowledge on key pest hotspots to keep a look out for and warning signs not to be ignored.
Our initiatives includes regular newsletters, industry updates, expert seminars & regular electronic mailers.